Craniosacral Balancing

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle way of working with the body using light touch. People sometimes ask about the name Craniosacral Therapy and think it only refers to the head. In fact Craniosacral Therapy works with the whole person and changes may occur in body, mind and spirit during and after sessions.
When a Craniosacral therapist places her hands lightly on you, she is using them to listen to you in much the same way that a counsellor might listen to your words. Your body responds to this sensitive touch by beginning to listen to itself. A feeling that you have been heard in the truest sense of the word is a common experience during and after a Craniosacral session.
These are some of the words and phrases that people have used to describe their experience of Craniosacral Therapy: “Comforting, inner peace, a sense of relief, deep stillness and relaxation, connection, feeling accepted, feeling more fully alive, put back in one piece, feeling whole again”.
Lasts 11/2 hours and costs £45